Channel: đ SO4J-TV
Category: Education
Tags: bible context & interpretationproblem bible versesprosperity gospelbenny hinns nephewproblem scripturesjustin petersword of faithcharismaticsso4jcosti hinnproblem versesbible contextnew apostolic reformationfalse teachingfalse teacherstwisted scriptureshealth and wealthhermeneuticsfalse prophetsunderstanding gods wordproblem verses in the biblebible interpretation
Description: â SHOW 6 of 7: Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinn's Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Problem Bible Versesâ Scriptures that are often Twisted, Misinterpreted, and taken out of its proper Context. It is not that False Teachers never refer to the Bible-- they do! The problem is that they Twist Scripture & take Bible Verses out of their proper Context and thereby distort their meaning. In this program Costi Hinn and Justin Peters discuss Bible Verses that are commonly misused by: Word of Faith / NAR [New Apostolic Reformation] preachers such as ISAIAH 53:4-5, "By His stripes we are healed," and JOHN 14:11-12, "Greater works than these," etc. that would SEEM to support that it is ALWAYS God's Will to be healed AND that we as believers should regularly be performing incredible Miracles. Costi and Justin will show, HOWEVER, that these verses have been TWISTED to mean something they simply do NOT mean, and then they will discuss the TRUE meaning of these verses. When we know God's Word rightly, we will know HIM rightly. â NOTE: We affirm that God CAN and DOES physically HEAL TODAY when it is HIS SOVEREIGN WILL to do so. We deny that anyone today possesses the Apostolic Gift of Healing as did the New Testament Apostles. â SERIES : "TRUTH & TRANSFORMATION" - 7 SHOWS â LINK: â PLAYLIST LINK (7 Videos): â Titus 1:9 (NASB) "Hold FIRM to the TRUSTWORTHY WORD as TAUGHT, so that he [you] may be able to GIVE INSTRUCTION in SOUND DOCTRINE and also to REBUKE those who CONTRADICT it.â â PRODUCED by: Justin Peters & SO4J-TV in Orange County, CA â HOST: Justin Peters - Evangelist / Author / Bible Teacher â HOST: Costi Hinn - Pastor / Author / Bible Teacher â JUSTIN PETERS MINISTRIES âșDVD: âClouds Without Water llâ (8.5 Hours, 2 DVDs). âșWebsite: âșTwitter: âșFacebook: â COSTI HINN âșWebsite: âșTwitter: âșFacebook: â BOOKS: âș âGod, Greed, & The (Prosperity) Gospel: How Truth Overwhems A Life Built On Lies" (2019) â "Defining Deception" (2018) â More on Amazon â SO4J-TV âșWebsite: âșYoutube: âșFacebook: âșTwitter: âșInstagram:(NEW!): â Keep Looking UP!^ (Col 3:1-4) #SO4J , Justin Peters, & Costi Hinn â Video is COPYRIGHTED By Justin Peters Min. © SO4J-TV Âź Please do NOT Rip/Steal this video or upload this video on social media & other media platforms which is COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Instead Support these Gospel Efforts by sharing these videos from the link on our YouTube channel. :)